Sunday, October 28, 2012

Sunday, October 14, 2012

1st Blog Ever!

Wow...Here I am Internet World!  Watch out!!  I've never done a Blog before and definitely not a writer....never even read many blogs so I really haven't anything to go by for an example but, I do tend to that the same or similar to a Blog?  I kept a diary when I was about 12....for about a year or so...then life just got to busy...I started one again after my last son was born, 13 1/2 years ago...but then stopped when he was around 8 or 9...I just couldn't seem to find the time to write in it any more...or was to tired to.  Funny how I seemed to find the time when he was a baby but then I couldn't find the time once he was older....I think a lot of it was because I wanted him to "know me" in case something happened to me before he would be old enough to remember...I was 41 years old when I had him and was worried that I somehow may not be around for him...Now I'm almost 56 and 41 seems so young to me!  Lol  Funny how that happens as you get older, isn't it?  Anyone who's at least 15 years younger or older than you are, seems sooo much younger or older....


It's Sunday morning, October 14th...been up since 5 a.m....that's when one of my cats walked into the bedroom and decided it was time for me to get up.  I think they take turns...I have three but most mornings it's Mittens...our little "rescue" kitty, who has taken over being "the lead cat"  in our house.  She is the only one who hasn't been de-clawed...which gives her, at least in the "cat-world" a distinct advantage over her siblings.  You see, she was on "deaths door" when we brought her home with us...abandoned and left to die during a bad winter storm several years ago.  We never even thought she'd make it through the night...and it took weeks, no months, for her to really start feeling like a healthy cat should.  But, once she could stand upright without falling over from her weakened state, she let the adult cats in our household know who was boss!  No sir, she wasn't about to be known as the "weak-link" in our home!

She was only a couple of months old when we found her and was in terrible shape...bloated belly (told it was from malnutrition) and sores all over her fragile little body.  Mittens, as my son named her, since she was mostly gray (actually looks like she's wearing a gray tuxedo so maybe she should've been named "Tuxedo"...and called "Tux") and has 4 white paws, has come a long way since then.  She runs through the house attacking /playing with the dog and bosses the other two cats around...who just try to stay out of her way.  Anyway, enough about cats today...Once I get started talking about something, you'll see, I tend to Blab if anyone is listening.....Thus why I decided to just start my own Blog....